Why canvassing works

It's clear: We need social change. And in our hyper-partisan, social media-fueled political environment today, we know that it's not easy.

That's why, especially now, we think there is nothing more powerful than a face-to-face conversation.

It's not only an opportunity to educate people on important issues, but it's a chance to make a real connection with people and to get them to take meaningful action.

In order to create change on issues like global warming, we need thousands of informed people making their voices heard. That's the kind of people power that can make real change happen. That's why we canvass.

As a canvasser, you're joining the ranks of thousands of public interest leaders who have made a lasting impact in our country. And from the civil rights movement to the modern environmental movement, face-to-face contact has proven to be one of the most effective ways to activate and mobilize people for social change.

Canvassing is something that takes skill and energy to do well. This booklet is an introduction to the fundamental skills you need to get started.

Since 1982, Fund staff have signed up more than 2 million donors in support of campaigns organized by groups like PIRG and Environment America.

By canvassing door to door, we identify citizens who support initiatives for the environment and our democracy, and give them an avenue to take political action and the opportunity to contribute to a campaign they care about. This has resulted in victories like strengthening the Clean Water Act, protecting our lifesaving antibiotics and winning state-level campaign finance reform.

It all starts at the grassroots



Individual contributions are the lifeblood of citizens’ groups. They translate directly into political power and fund the research, advocacy and outreach critical to winning campaigns.


Through face-to-face conversations, canvassers identify people who support the values of our partner organizations and sign them up as members. The more members that our partner organizations have behind them, the more political power they have to influence decision-makers and create real change.

These groups also cultivate long-term relationships with new members, which enable the groups to continue their work well into the future.


Canvassers speak directly to millions of people around the country every year. We alert them to environmental problems and legislative proposals by special interest groups. We also make people aware of commonsense solutions and give them the opportunity to have an impact on their democracy.


Public interest organizations often can’t afford to run TV and radio ads to build their name recognition.

But by talking to people individually and leaving literature with them, we can raise their awareness of the work that we are doing.


Canvassing allows us to speak with thousands of voters and major corporations’ customers. We inform people about the voting records of their representatives or about opportunities for businesses to reform their practices. Through actions like signing petitions and making phone calls, our supporters establish accountability and encourage decision-makers to act in their constituents’ or customers’ best interests.

Photo: Leise Jones Photography

“Change won’t come from the top... Change will come from a mobilized grassroots.”

— President Barack Obama, Dreams from My Father